Enhancing Business Internationalization
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What is the general idea of the pilot?
The overarching concept of this pilot program is to make internationalization services more accessible and tailored to a wider spectrum of enterprises. It revolves around the deployment of a specialized tool designed to offer precise recommendations based on individual company needs. These recommendations will guide businesses through the critical steps of internationalization. By addressing common challenges faced by companies seeking to harness the full potential of internationalization services, this pilot aims to streamline the process and maximize its value.
Why are we piloting it?
Why is your organisation invited to join?
The pilot program is strategically tailored for active participation by business support organizations. These entities encompass chambers of commerce, industry associations, trade promotion agencies, and consultancy firms that play pivotal roles in assisting SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in their internationalization efforts. The pilot welcomes organizations that are dedicated to supporting and empowering SMEs in expanding their global presence.