BSR Innovation Dialogues: Network and Connect

Join Baltic Sea region diverse network – from large corporations and startups to university researchers and public service providers – for online online networking events. Here you can find guideline for  community building and business focused events designed to enhance collaboration and idea exchange across borders.

Innovation Dialogues​


a Community building Event

Event Methodology Accordion
Concept for the Event
The purpose of this event is to build community among the companies that are connected in some way – develop their business in the same building, belong to a business incubator or some start-up club, etc. The main organizer of the event is a dedicated person from the organization that unites the companies, for example, a Community Coordinator.

The first part of the event is for the representative of organizers to overview current issues, and upcoming events if any, and to overview Innovation Dialogues Event Agenda for that day. The event then starts with new companies in the community introducing themselves (what they do, if they are looking for some kind of cooperation), then some of “old” companies present their new projects, maybe challenges that they encounter. The last part of the event is dedicated to some current topic that requires an outside speaker – a professional on the topic. Some of the topics can include intellectual property issues, cyber security issues, artificial intelligence issues, and so on.

The event lasts for approximately 1-1,5 hours. After the event participants receive an up-date letter with the video recording.

The framework of Innovation Dialogues can be easily transferred to any other region. Each business intermediary organization depending on its profile, mission, and pool of clients can apply it. By organizing the Innovation Dialogues Event organizations can tackle topics and challenges in the various sectors – ICT, medicine, space technologies, robotics, and many others. This format can be adapted to the needs of other economic sectors and connect all relevant stakeholders.

Innovation Dialogues events group is built on the good practice of dominant business networking events. The strong point of this framework is that the event is managed in all its stages with the aim that participants would leave with tangible results. Additionally, this good practice seeks to strengthen the approach that networking is not just a socialization, networking attitude should be based on accurate planning, purposeful solutions, and continuity.


Organizations that would benefit most from organizing Innovation Dialogues Community Building Event are those fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and growth within interconnected communities.

  • These include business support organizations such as business incubators, startup hubs, technology parks, and industry-specific associations. By uniting businesses in shared spaces or industries, these organizations can facilitate strategic partnerships, encourage innovation, and address common challenges.
  • Educational institutions and research centers also gain value, as the format connects academia with industry, promoting the commercialization of research and fostering real-world problem-solving.
  • Chambers of commerce and regional economic development agencies can utilize these events to strengthen ties among local businesses, attract investments, and enhance regional competitiveness.
  • Large corporations managing innovation ecosystems or open-innovation platforms benefit by engaging startups and SMEs, ensuring a steady flow of fresh ideas and collaborations.
  • Similarly, non-profits and public organizations in fields like healthcare, ICT, or sustainability can use the format to align stakeholders, tackle sector-specific issues, and drive impactful change.

By emphasizing purposeful networking and continuity, Innovation Dialogues offer immense potential to any organization aiming to build thriving, innovation-driven communities. The structured yet flexible framework ensures every participant gains actionable outcomes, making it adaptable for diverse sectors.

Target Groups
Innovation Dialogues Community Building Events are ideal for individuals and organizations engaged in business growth, innovation, and sectoral development, creating a platform for purposeful interaction and lasting partnerships. The target group mainly includes diverse stakeholders from interconnected business and innovation ecosystems.
  • Primarily, these events are designed for startups, SMEs, Entrepreneurs and corporate representatives seeking collaboration, knowledge exchange, and networking opportunities. Startups benefit by introducing their innovations, connecting with potential partners, and gaining insights into shared challenges. SMEs can showcase their expertise, discover resources, and explore solutions for growth.
Other key participants who are optional and depend on the main goal of the particular event include:
  • Investors, venture capitalists, and business angels, who gain early exposure to innovative projects and potential funding opportunities.
  • Researchers, academics, and students represent another important group, as they can align their studies or projects with industry needs, fostering impactful collaborations.
  • Public sector representatives, such as policymakers and economic development officials, are also a crucial audience. Their involvement helps align the event with regional or sectoral strategies, fostering sustainable growth and innovation.
  • Experts and consultants in fields like intellectual property, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and sustainability (again, depending on the particular goal and topic of the event organized). These professionals can provide valuable insights and offer tailored solutions to the community’s challenges.
Organizing the event
The event should be managed in all stages and should have a continuum as part of the overall event. Each of the stages of an event needs to be carefully and strategically thought of. The stages should include the:
  • Preparatory stage for the event (key points: identification of a common topic for the event, participants’ readiness to network, selection of participants, well-structured presentations, key-speakers);
  • A well-managed event (key points: experienced moderator, uniqueness of each event, variety of activities, cozy (even virtual) environment, management of the meeting tool (admitting participants, sharing screen, managing rooms), post-event meeting options);
  • Post-event meet-up(s) (key point: follow-up e-mail with relevant information, involvement of event participants in the mentored post-event contact development activities, event satisfaction survey, future topics survey).
Prepatory state
The success of any event begins with careful planning during the preparatory stage. This phase involves identifying a unifying topic that resonates with the intended audience and aligns with the event’s goals. Thoughtful participant selection ensures diverse perspectives, while preparation activities such as encouraging participants’ readiness to network foster a collaborative atmosphere. Engaging key speakers and structuring presentations effectively are crucial to maintaining focus and interest. A well-prepared schedule ensures smooth transitions between sessions, and the technical setup—be it virtual or in-person—must be well-prepared. Identifying and allocating the budget for the organization of the event:
  • Staff work hours and salary
  • Speaker (if paid)
  • Moderator (if any and if paid)
Agenda and the Speaker(s):
  • Identify key topics for the event and survey the participants. Focus on entrepreneurs, start-ups, researchers, and large corporations in the sector. Select speakers who are industry leaders, innovators, and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Schedule a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking sessions.
  • Incorporate interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, and breakout rooms.
  • Prepare a scenario for the event. This helps to play out all the event in advance and see in perspective what is prepared and what is not.
Registration Process:
  • Implement a registration process to gather information about participants. During registration participants should identify if they are new members and will make a presentation introducing themselves or if they are current members and would like to present their challenge or solution.
Participant Readiness:
  • Agree with new members for a short presentation of their business.
  • Ensure participants are ready to network and collaborate.
  • Offer pre-event workshops or resources to prepare participants for effective networking.
Communication and Promotion:
  • Utilize social media, e-mail newsletters and industry forums to promote the event.
Task Details Responsible person / status
Topic/Theme of the event Identify key topics for the event and/or survey the participants. Think of a topic that would be on trend or it could be an issue that your target group would have in common.
Person(s) Assigned

Define your target group Who could benefit from the event? Where are you going to disseminate information about the event? Would that be an inner event of your organization or people from outside are welcome too?
Person(s) Assigned

Budget of the Event Think of the sources of payments.
Costs may include the following budget lines:
Costs for Moderator
Costs for Speaker 1
Costs for Speaker 2...
Dissemination costs
Organizational costs
Total budget:
Person(s) Assigned

Key speakers Select the key Speaker(s). Focus on entrepreneurs, start-ups, researchers, and large corporations in the sector. Select speakers who are industry leaders, innovators, and successful entrepreneurs. Check if they are available and in the scope of your budget.

During the planning stage you can share this file with all people involved in organizing the event and use this cell to brainstorm all possible options and then decide which candidate is the most suitable.

The person assigned to this task should be responsible for contacting the Speaker, checking their availability, confirming payment details, and taking on all further communications with the Speaker.
Person(s) Assigned

Moderator of the event A well-managed event depends on an experienced moderator who can steer the agenda, maintain engagement, and address any unforeseen challenges. It could be someone from your organization or outside.

During the planning stage you can share this file with all people involved in organizing the event and to use this cell to brainstorm all possible options and then decide which candidate is the most suitable.

If the moderator is from outside, the person assigned to this task should be responsible for contacting the potential Moderator, checking their availability, confirming payment details, and taking on all further communications with the Moderator.
Person(s) Assigned

Communication with Speakers It is really important to clearly communicate with your speakers and moderator about what you expect from them and give them as many details about the event - the other speakers, the participants, the activities - as you can. This will ensure a smooth and productive event that everyone would benefit from.

Letters when communicating with speakers should include:
  • Information about the event (other participants, programme)
  • Login link
  • Templates for slides
  • Background to use during the event
  • Request to send slides - so that we have them in case we can't share

Example of a letter to a speaker a few days before the event:
Good afternoon,
Thank you once again for agreeing to present your expertise at the "Innovation Dialogues. Adapting to AI: Transformations in the Labour Market 4.0".
The event is on Monday, so I would like to ask you to share the slides of your presentation with us by Sunday evening (12 May). You will be able to share the slides yourself during the event, but if there are technical difficulties during the event, we can respond more quickly to share the slides.
It will also be useful for the moderator to have access to the content of your presentations in advance.
If you do not have the slides, it would be great if you could write briefly what you plan to talk about (at least the main points). The length of your presentation is 5-10 minutes.
Other information:
  • Event time: 13 May, 11:00 (Lithuanian time), duration 1.5 hours.
  • Virtual venue: TEAMS platform, link to the event:
  • You are welcome to join early, we will test the technical aspects together.
If you have any questions, please contact us!
See you there!
Person(s) Assigned

Something unexpected (optional) It is always useful and engaging to think of something that would be unexpected in an event. For example, if your topic is related to AI, maybe it is worth incorporating an Avatar into your event. Maybe it could act as an opening “speaker”? Maybe it could try moderating the event successfully or even not?
If the theme of the event is related to drone technology, maybe you could use some real-time video footage from a flying drone.
Add some key speakers who would have been kept secret prior to the event and would be a pleasant surprise for participants.
Just be creative with it.
Person(s) Assigned

After finalising the event agenda, take your time to prepare a scenario for the event. This helps to play out all the event in advance and see in perspective what is ready and what is not.

Event Agenda

Distance LAB pulse. What's in store for businesses this spring?
How the AI is changing the labour market and how to adapt.
John Peterson, Founder of "AI for business"
Will we still need lawyers in the AI era?
Mark Cranberg, Managing partner at WANDEN Law Firm
What challenges does artificial intelligence bring to SMEs?
3 SMEs share their experiences
Discussion. How does AI affect SMEs?
(in breakout rooms)
Wrap up and concluding remarks

Detailed Scenario

Moderator: welcome words / what is the theme of the event / what is the duration / what is the programme / who are the participants / who are the speakers / what is the objective. Mentions that participants are welcome to share their contacts throughout the event, and that the organizers will share a joint letter after the event.
10:00-10:05 | Distance LAB pulse. What's in store for businesses this spring?
Moderator: brief presentation of the speaker John Peterson and his topic:
10:05-10:25 | How the AI is changing the labour market and how to adapt. John Peterson, Founder of "AI for business"
Moderator: some reflection on what interesting things John has said, maybe some questions for the speaker and the audience, and an introduction on what to expect from Mark's presentation
10:25-10:45 | Will we still need lawyers in the AI era? Mark Cranberg, Managing Partner at WANDEN Law Firm
Moderator: key insights from Mark, maybe some questions from the audience. The moderator says that now there will be more hands-on presentations, and that the participants will hear experiences of three firms from three countries in relation to AI. The companies are developing an AI solution and will present how it went. Brief introduction of the first company and invitation to speak:
10:45-11:00 | What challenges does AI bring to SMEs? SMEs share their experiences LT company
Moderator: thanks to the first presenters and speakers, invitation to the next speaker:
10:45-11:00 | What challenges does AI bring to SMEs? SMEs share their experiences LV company
Moderator: thanks to the second presenters and speakers, invitation to the last to speak:
10:45-11:00 | What challenges does AI bring to SMEs? SMEs share their experiences NO company
Moderator: Acknowledgement of the companies who presented and invitation to discuss in smaller groups. A brief presentation on what will take place now. Participants have already been assigned to rooms where the group moderator will be waiting for them. The moderator of each room is introduced. Participants are invited for the networking part as well as for the discussion "How does AI affect SMEs?". Group work will take about 15 minutes, after which we will return to share the results of each group.

Breakout Room Instructions

First of all, participants are asked to briefly tell about their company, what they do, and whether they offer any AI solution or would like to implement one and are looking for someone who can do it. Then participants are invited to discuss.

Example Questions for Discussion:

Exploring AI Implementation: What are the main challenges your organisation faces in implementing AI technologies? How have you addressed these challenges, and what lessons have you learned along the way?
Employee reaction to the impact of AI: What is the general mood of your employees towards the changes that AI is bringing to the labour market? Are they still fearful, doubtful or excited about the possibilities? Do they see more threats or more opportunities? Are they ready for change?
Skills and training in the AI era: How is your company preparing your employees for an AI-driven future? What strategies or initiatives have been effective in upskilling employees and fostering a culture of continuous learning?
Moderator: after returning from the breakout rooms gives the floor to the moderator of each room. Lastly, sums up the event.
11:15-11:30 | Wrap-up and closing remarks
Person(s) Assigned

Breakout rooms A slide with room rules and topics for discussion is prepared in advance and shared in each room. Each room moderator was briefed on their role in the breakout rooms before the event.
Person(s) Assigned

Create an Event link on Social networks Facebook: Link to Facebook event
LinkedIn: Link to LinkedIn event
Example of a LinkedIn event:

If the event is organized for a close group of participants a simple Calendar invite with all relevant information could be enough.
Person(s) Assigned

Link for participants' registration
For participants registration use Microsoft Forms or Google Forms. During this process it is important to gather all relevant information about the participants, so the questions should be well thought out.
Section 1
Section 2
We are interested to know what your company profile is, why you have chosen to participate in this event, what your motivation is to participate in this and other events, and to what extent you find this event useful for making new contacts. Please answer a few questions. It will only take a few minutes!
If yes, please introduce your organization within up to 3 sentences.

Would you be interested in participating in future international events organized under the Distance LAB initiative and receive invitations by email?
Example of participants’ registration form:
Person(s) Assigned

Automatics reply e-mail to the ones who registered:
Thank you for registering for "Innovation Dialogues. Adapting to AI: Transformations in the Labour Market 4.0" event!
🗓️ Join us on May 13, 10:00-11:30 CEST
Person(s) Assigned

Social Media Strategy

If you expect participants from outside, use the social media channels to disseminate your event. Add yourself to relevant Facebook or LinkedIn groups well in advance as the administrators most of the time have to approve your request to join and post.

Prepare a visual for your event dissemination. Create a good title / slogan / logo / colour scheme. Create visuals for PowerPoint presentations, and speaker backgrounds to make your event look cohesive.

Dissemination Channels Tracking
  • Periodical Facebook posts and event
  • Periodical LinkedIn posts and event
  • Personal messages (specify)
  • Organizations' webpage
  • Relevant Social media groups
Invitation Letter
AI is already reshaping the world of work, creating new job opportunities, and replacing others, with even more significant changes expected in the future. 📢We invite you to explore what is hot in the AI for labour market topic and what lies ahead for your company to make the business processes smoother.

This event offers a chance to network and connect with like-minded professionals across the Baltic Sea Region, including our guest speakers John Peterson, the founder of "AI for business" and Mark Cranberg, Managing partner at WANDEN Law Firm.

Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and prepare yourself for the exciting possibilities!

WHEN | May 13, 10:00 – 11:30 CEST
WHERE | Online via TEAMS
▶️ REGISTER to receive the link
Distance LAB pulse. What's in store for businesses this spring?
How the AI is changing the labour market and how to adapt.
John Peterson, Founder of "AI for business"
Will we still need lawyers in the AI era?
Mark Cranberg, Managing partner at WANDEN Law Firm
What challenges does artificial intelligence bring to SMEs?
SMEs share their experiences
Discussion. How does AI affect SMEs?
Wrap up and concluding remarks
The link to the event will be sent after the registration.

Hope to see you there!

Don't forget to add more detailed information about the scope of personal data processing, purposes, means, and their rights. Example: Privacy Notice
Person(s) Assigned

Information to the Moderator Provide the moderator with all relevant information. Have a short biography of all speakers to share with the moderator. What is their expertise, experience in the field, maybe some fun-facts. Share the scenario or share all relevant information for him/her to prepare the scenario by themselves. Share or discuss possible questions to the speakers, participants during discussions.
Person(s) Assigned

E-mails to participant few days before the Event Person(s) Assigned

or download template
During event
A well-managed event depends on an experienced moderator who can steer the agenda, maintain engagement, and address any unforeseen challenges. Each event should offer a unique experience, blending dynamic activities with opportunities for meaningful interaction. Whether virtual or in-person, the environment should be inviting and engaging. Technical management is also very important: tools for admitting participants, screen sharing, and breakout room facilitation must be handled smoothly. Engaging activities such as workshops or live Q&A sessions can enrich the event. Finally, providing opportunities for post-event interaction enhances the sense of community and extends the event’s impact. Follow the Agenda:
  • Make sure all guests and speakers are connected to the event. Connect 10-15 minutes prior the start of event to make a test slide shares, check microphones and cameras, and check roles and rights assigned to participants.
  • Prepare and check the readiness of interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, and breakout rooms. Have a dedicated person responsible for technical management.
  • Provide guidelines for respectful and constructive interactions. Ask participants to use chat for questions, remarks, sharing of contacts.
  • Begin with a welcome address and overview of the event’s purpose. Prepare a ice-breaking activity.
  • Include networking breaks for participants to connect.
Technology and Platform:
  • Choose a reliable and user-friendly virtual event platform.
  • Ensure technical support is available throughout the event.
Task Details Responsible person / status
Reminder letter on the day of the Event

The event "Innovation Dialogues. Adapting to AI: Transformations in the Labour Market 4.0" starts within 1 hour.

WHEN: 10:00 – 11:30 CEST

WHERE: Online via TEAMS

🔗Event link

Please, join the webinar some minutes ahead of time and mute the microphone.

More about the event.

See you soon!

Kind regards,


Person(s) Assigned

Start of the Event Make sure all guests and speakers are connected to the event. Connect 10-15 minutes prior the start of event to make a test slide shares, check microphones and cameras, and check roles and rights assigned to participants.
Prepare and check the readiness of interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, and breakout rooms. Have a dedicated person responsible for technical management.
Provide guidelines for respectful and constructive interactions. Ask participants to use chat for questions, remarks, sharing of contacts.
Person(s) Assigned

Event recording (optional) Save and edit the recording and prepare a link to the video to be sent to the participants.
Person(s) Assigned

Follow the scenario but be flexible
Example of the Scenario


  • Welcome words
  • What is the theme of the event?
  • What is the duration?
  • What is the programme?
  • Who are the participants?
  • Who are the speakers?
  • What is the objective?
  • Mentions that participants are welcome to share their contacts throughout the event and that the organizers will share a joint letter after the event.

10:00-10:05 | Distance LAB pulse. What's in store for businesses this spring?

Moderator: Brief presentation of the speaker John Peterson and his topic.
Person(s) Assigned:
□ not started
□ in progress
□ done

10:05-10:25 | How the AI is changing the labour market and how to adapt.

Speaker: John Peterson, Founder of "AI for business"
Moderator: Reflections on John's presentation, audience questions, and introduction of Mark Cranberg's presentation.

10:25-10:45 | Will we still need lawyers in the AI era?

Speaker: Mark Cranberg, Managing Partner at WANDEN Law Firm
Moderator: Key insights, audience questions, introduction to hands-on presentations by SMEs.

10:45-11:00 | What challenges does AI bring to SMEs?

  • LT company: Presentation on challenges and experiences.
  • LV company: Presentation on challenges and experiences.
  • NO company: Presentation on challenges and experiences.

Moderator: Acknowledgement of the presenters and introduction to breakout sessions.

11:00-11:15 | Discussion: How does AI affect SMEs?

Breakout Rooms:
Participants are asked to:

  • Briefly introduce their company and its relation to AI.
  • Discuss topics like AI implementation challenges, employee reactions, and upskilling strategies.
Example Questions:
  • Exploring AI Implementation: What are the main challenges your organisation faces in implementing AI technologies?
  • Employee reaction to the impact of AI: What is the general mood of your employees towards changes brought by AI?
  • Skills and training in the AI era: How is your company preparing your employees for an AI-driven future?

11:15-11:30 | Wrap-up and closing remarks

Moderator: Summarizes the breakout discussions, gives the floor to group moderators, and concludes the event.

Person(s) Assigned

Breakout rooms Assign a person who will create and manage the breakout rooms. This should be the person who created the event link. If you have never delt with creating a breakout room before – make sure you make a test event with your colleagues to understand the specifics.

You can assign participants to the breakout rooms only during the event, but according your registration discuss how many breakout rooms you plan to have before the event.

Assign a room moderator to lead work there. Have a Miro board or PowerPoint slide(s) to facilitate discussions and to provide the possibility to create notes. If no participant would want to share the insights after returning to joint event, this would be the room moderators’ responsibility.

Example for the starting slide in the breakout room: breakout
Person(s) Assigned

or Download template
Post event activities
Post-event activities ensure the event’s objectives are realized long-term. Sending a follow-up email with key takeaways, presentation materials, and additional resources helps participants retain and apply what they learned. Facilitating interaction through mentored post-event activities solidifies connections formed during the event. Surveys to check satisfaction and explore future topics provide valuable insights for improving following events. These follow-ups not only reinforce the event's impact but also cultivate an engaged and collaborative community that continues to grow beyond the initial meeting. Feedback and Evaluation:
  • Collect feedback from participants to improve future events.
  • Analyze the outcomes and success of networking and collaborations initiated.
Follow-Up Meetings:
  • Encourage participants to organize follow-up meetings to explore partnerships and investment opportunities.
  • Provide a platform or channel for participants to schedule these meetings.
Pay your dues:
  • Check if all invoices are issued correctly and make transfers
Task Details Responsible person / status
Payments Check if all agreements are prepared, and invoices are issued correctly. Make transfers.
Person(s) Assigned

Follow-up letter to participants and request to fill in the satisfaction survey

Dear Participants,

We would like to thank you for participating in yesterday’s event 🟠Innovation Dialogues: Adapting to AI - Transformations in the Labour Market. We hope that the event provided a valuable platform for you to gain new insights, reflect, share your own experiences, and connect with other professionals.

We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to fill out a short survey to evaluate your experience at the event. Your feedback will help us improve and better respond to your needs in future events.

🔗Link to the survey

Thank you once again for your participation!

Best regards,
The Organizers

Person(s) Assigned

Follow-up meetings survey

Encourage participants to organize follow-up meetings to explore partnerships and investment opportunities.
Provide a platform or channel for participants to schedule these meetings.

Person(s) Assigned

or Download template
Resources needed
Organizing Innovation Dialogues Community Building Events requires a well-structured allocation of resources to ensure smooth execution and meaningful outcomes. The key resources include:
  • Staff and administrative costs for planning and managing the event. A dedicated team of three is essential: a networking consultant or moderator to oversee the agenda and facilitate discussions, a communication expert to manage outreach and promotional materials, and an event assistant for logistical support.
  • Lector contacts and a budget for paid speakers ensure access to experts who can deliver high-value presentations on relevant topics.
  • A virtual venue equipped with necessary technology, such as microphones, projectors, or video conferencing tools, is crucial.
  • Additional resources include a target group database, containing detailed contact information of startups, SMEs, corporates, and other stakeholders, to streamline participant engagement. These resources also extend to collaboration with other business intermediary organizations, such as incubators, technology parks, and trade associations, to expand the event's reach and attract diverse participants.
  • Promotional efforts require a marketing budget for designing materials, running online campaigns, and engaging media. Post-event resources like video editing tools for recording distribution and follow-up communication platforms are also important to ensure continuity.
Organizing Innovation Dialogues Community building Event requires a suite of tools to facilitate planning, communication, execution, and follow-up.
  • Core communication tools include email for targeted invitations and updates, and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Slack to promote the event and engage participants effectively.
  • Survey tools like Google Forms or Microsoft Forms are useful for gathering feedback, registrations, and suggestions for future topics.
  • For hosting and managing the event, virtual platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet are essential for both fully online or hybrid formats.
  • Collaboration tools like Google Drive and SharePoint are invaluable for sharing agendas, presentation materials, and other resources, while Miro supports interactive brainstorming sessions.
  • Presentation tools such as PowerPoint and Canva enhance the visual appeal of session content and promotional materials.
  • For post-event follow-up, video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro) ensures quality in recordings shared with participants. These tools collectively support seamless and impactful event execution.
This event organizing tool provides templates. Pre-prepared templates fasilitate event planning by providing ready-to-use structures, saving time and reducing effort. They ensure consistency across events, maintaining a professional and cohesive approach. Templates provided can be easily customized to meet specific needs, making them both flexible and efficient tools for organizers: Event planner template for all 3 organizational stages
tips Useful tips

A lot of tips and recommendations are provided in the previous parts, but here are few things to take into account that don’t seem as much of important at first, but they make a difference:

✔ Take all three stages of the event organizing seriously – all of them are important.

✔ Prepare a scenario for the event. This helps to play out all the event in advance and see in perspective what is prepared and what is not.

✔ Follow the scenario but be flexible.

✔ Do something unexpected. If your topic is related to AI, maybe it is worth incorporating an Avatar to your event. Maybe it could act as an opening “speaker”? Maybe it could try moderating the event successfully or even not? Just be creative with it and participants will appreciate it.

✔ Make sure all guests and speakers are connected to the event. Connect 10-15 minutes prior the start of event to make a test slide shares, check microphones and cameras, and check roles and rights assigned to participants.

✔ Ensure technical support is available throughout the event.

tips Useful tips for continuity and improvement
Innovation Dialogues Community Building Event is built on the good practice of dominant business networking events. The strong point of this framework is that the event is managed in all its stages with the aim that participants would leave with tangible results. Additionally, this good practice seeks to strengthen the approach that networking is not just a socialization, networking attitude should be based on accurate planning, purposeful solutions, and continuity. This methodology and the practical tools provided can guide you to create a successful online event that not only facilitates networking and collaboration but also results in tangible outcomes for participants. The key is to manage all stages of the event strategically, ensuring engagement, and providing value to all involved. Some practical tips:

Regular Scheduling. Plan these events regularly (e.g., bi-monthly) to maintain engagement and momentum. Update the format and content based on industry trends and feedback.

Organizing event for outside target group – try adding yourself to relevant Facebook or LinkedIn groups well in advance as the administrators most of the time have to approve your request to join and post.

Community Building. Foster a community around these events for ongoing interaction and support. Use social media groups or forums for continuous engagement. It is very important to keep participants engaged in the follow-up activities (the last stage of the event) because this stage brings most of the tangible results that can be achieved.

Adaptation and Expansion. Adapt the framework for different sectors or regions as needed. The framework of Innovation Dialogues Community Building Event can be easily transferred to any other region. Each business intermediary organization depending on its profile, mission, and pool of clients can apply it. By organizing the Innovation Dialogues Community Building Event organizations can tackle challenges in the various sectors – ICT, medicine, space technologies, robotics, and many others. This format can be adapted to the needs of other economic sectors and connect all relevant stakeholders.

Service Leader

Irma Bagdonienė

Project Expert

Ramunė Guogienė

Project Expert