External services
Here we have collected external services that are related to Distancelab services and you might find helpful.
Name of the service: Akademia Polskiej Agencji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Akademia PARP), eng. PARP Academy
Languages of the service: Polish, some courses are available in Ukrainian
English summary of the service. How it can help develop online business or remote work? Academy is a free government online service with 5 main training blocks: Finance, Marketing, Management, Competencies, Law.
Each block contains interesting and up-to-date online training topics that connect to the DistanceLAB project’s themes: for example, cyber-security in SMEs, building customer relationships, SME Sustainability, Exporting for Beginners, Design Thinking, Interpersonal Skills, Challenges of Digital Transformation, and many more
Name of the service: Platforma bezpłatnych szkoleń Polskiej Fundacji Przedsiębiorczości (eng. Free training platform of the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation )
Languages of the service: Polish
English summary of the service. How it can help develop online business or remote work? The platform offers free online training, e-learning, courses in 8 thematic blocks: Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Sales, Programming, Company and Management, Law, First business, Soft skills, Applications. Topics are up-to-date and related to running an online business, for example, many topics are devoted to marketing, using social media in business, selling effectively online, acquiring customers online, AI in data analysis, cybersecurity. Topics are attractive and interesting for people working remotely and running online businesses.
interesting and up-to-date online training topics that connect to the DistanceLAB project’s themes: for example, cyber-security in SMEs, building customer relationships, SME Sustainability, Exporting for Beginners, Design Thinking, Interpersonal Skills, Challenges of Digital Transformation, and many more