Cyber Security

What is the general idea of the service?

DistanceLab-project will develop a cyber security tool that will be useful for all the organisations that have remote workers and for those who want to digitalize the businesses. This pilot will be developed together with SME´s and public sector to find the best practices.  

Why are we piloting it?

DistanceLAB-project aims to develop tools that enhance stakeholders’ resilience and adaptability by improving their skills in remote activities. With the increasing digitalization and remote work, the risks of data leaks and cyber-attacks are heightened. Therefore, cyber security awareness and data security skills are integral components of every organization’s risk management and resilience. 

Why is your organisation invited to join?

This tool will be particularly useful for SMEs and the public sector. The challenge lies in the fact that cyber security risks vary depending on the industry and the size of the organization. That’s why we need to engage in discussions with various stakeholders in order to develop a tool that can be utilized by individuals and organizations. 

What do you get?

You will have the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops where current cyber threats will be discussed, engage in discussions with experts, and share best practices. You have a unique chance to be involved in an EUfunded project, where you can share your ideas and learn from others.

Security Training

Provide regular security training with the focus on remote work-related security issues.

Ensure that the employees are aware of the latest threats.

Physical Security

Provide guidelines to employees for securing their home work environment.

Consider lockable cabinets for sensitive information if necessary.


Encourage employees to use strong passwords and change them regularly.

Provide tools for password management if needed.


Ensure employees have clear instructions for identifying suspicious emails.

Provide tools for verifying email authenticity if necessary.


Encourage employees to keep their workspace tidy and protect confidential information. Provide secure storage options if needed.


Ensure that backups cover remote employees.

Provide company services for backup.

Remote Work

Provide the secure remote working tools and ensure that the employees are familiar with their proper use. Also regularly check the security of remote connections.

Mobile Devices

Provide company-approved mobile apps.

Ensure that the employees use mobile devices properly.

Malware Infection

Establish clear procedures for how to deal with malware infections.

Provide support services and stay in contact with security officers.

Culture of Continuous Improvement

Encourage open communication and reporting of security  observations.

Continuously assess and update company security practices to address the work environment and the changing threat landscape.

Customize these guidelines to fit the specific needs of your company.

Security is a responsibility for  all.

Security Training

Be an active participant in regular security training sessions. Understand security aspects related to remote work and stay informed about new threats.

Physical Security

Create a calm and secure work environment at home.

Secure sensitive documents in a lockable cabinet and keep your workspace private.


Use strong passwords and change them regularly. Do not share your passwords with anyone, and keep them secure from other family members.


Exercise caution with suspicious emails. Always verify the authenticity of a message, especially if personal information is requested.


Lock your computer whenever you leave your workspace.

Keep your home environment tidy and protect confidential information.


Ensure that important files are stored securely, and regularly backup data.

Use company-provided cloud services if available.

Remote Work

Always use a strong password and enable multi-factor authentication for remote connections. Use secure remote work tools provided by the company.

Mobile Devices

Protect your phone with a passcode and ensure your device is always updated and secure. Avoid unnecessary apps and download only from official app stores.

Malware Infection

If you suspect a security issue, stay calm.

Disconnect and contact your security officer or supervisor.

Cybersecurity Strategy

Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that addresses potential threats and vulnerabilities in your digital services.

User Data Protection

Implement robust measures to protect user data, including encryption, secure storage, and access controls.

Compliance with Data Privacy Laws

Ensure strict compliance with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, and regularly audit data handling practices.

Regular Security Audits

Conduct regular security audits to identify potential weaknesses in your digital services.

Stay informed about threats, and participate in cybersecurity communities.

Incident Response Plan

Establish an incident response plan to handle and mitigate cybersecurity incidents.

Employee Cybersecurity Training

Provide thorough training for employees on cybersecurity best practices to minimize the human factor in security incidents.

Third-Party Security Assessments

Conduct regular security assessments of third-party services and tools integrated into your digital services.

Continuous Monitoring

Implement continuous monitoring tools to detect and respond to security threats in real-time.

Secure Development Practices

Incorporate secure coding practices into the development process to prevent common vulnerabilities.

Remote workers can use scanning to identify vulnerabilities in their home network. Scanning can be used as part of cybersecurity measures to ensure that home networks are protected, and potential threats are detected and addressed promptly.
Nessus Essentials is one of the free cybersecurity tools available that can help enhance online security. It provides the ability to conduct security scans on a computer or network. Nessus Essentials offers reports on detected vulnerabilities and suggests actions to fix them. Tools such as these are an excellent way to identify and address security issues without requiring in-depth technical expertise.

By scanning devices and the network, potential vulnerabilities and security gaps can be identified. This helps prevent possible attacks and safeguards information. Through scanning, a remote worker can check which devices are connected to their home network. It´s important that all devices are known and secure. Using up-to-date software is crucial for maintaining security, and scanning can reveal if devices have outdated software. 

The frequency of using a scanner depends on various factors, including the specific security requirements of the individual or organization, the nature of the devices and networks involved, and the level of potential risks.

To be added later.

Service Leader

Laura Palovuori

Laura Palovuori

RDI Specialist