Mastering Remote Customer Relationships

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Building customer relationships in online business


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Think about your customers and try to classify them according to their interest in your company’s offers and their influence, using the following scheme.

Once you have entered their names in the table, evaluate the validity of the proposed action strategies

Low High
Impact High Keep happy
  • Potentially dangerous
  • Inform, involve, and consult in the area of interest
  • Drive to increase interest
  • Collaborate closely
  • Manage carefully
  • Engage and consult regularly
  • Use two-way communication
  • Ensure expectations are met
Low Monitor
  • Potentially indifferent
  • Inform through general channels (newsletter, website)
  • Try to increase interest
  • Potential allies
  • Inform and consult in the area of interest
  • Ensure expectations are met
Low High
Impact High Keep happy
Low Monitor

Think about your customers and try to list situations in which they have
expressed satisfaction with your company’s offering.

  • What made them happy?
  • Was this factor repeated with different customers?
  • How did they let you know they were happy?
  • Did this translate into growth for your business?

Make an initial diagnosis of the way you contact your customers. You can use the table below.

Do all customers use the same communication channels?

Is it possible to segment your customers?

Dimension Description Yes/No
Increasing Brand Awareness
Social Media Ads Advertising on various social media platforms
Google Ads Pay-per-click advertising on Google
Traditional Print and Media Ads Advertising in traditional media channels
Organic Content Creating blogs and organic content
Acquisition of Customer Data
Internet Data Search Searching for data on the internet
Survey Data Collection Use of survey after clicking on advertisement
Customer Profiling
Media Preference What type of media do they prefer to interact with?
Specific Platforms Platforms of interest:
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Facebook Live
  • Twitter
  • Specific magazines
  • Certain apps
  • Certain brands
Active Channels Channels they are most active on or likely to see:
  • Social media
  • E-mails
  • Outdoors advert
  • Telephone
  • Other

In its simplest terms, a loyalty programme is an exchange of benefits, so a simple principle can be applied in the form of: customer action – your company’s response.

Try to think about what customer action would be most desirable to you and what you could offer the customer in return. You can use the following table.

Action Reaction
Spending €20 to buy my product/service Discount of 2% on purchases.
Recommending my company on Social Media More frequent contact on social media and customer promotion.

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Building customer relationships in online business


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When deciding to use written communication, it is worth considering what will be better in a given case: a blog or a website. The following tool can be used for assessment.

By inserting the “√” sign closer to a given characteristic that is suitable for your needs, the predominance of characteristics corresponding to the website or blog will be indicated.

Specification Website My preferences Company blog
Content strongly related to the essence of the company's activities any, unlimited author unknown, content prepared anonymously
Author author unknown author known by name or nickname
Comments no ability to comment on content commenting is an integral part of the blog
Technology often complicated simplified, easy to use
Context marketing and offer material diverse material, without direct promotion
Scope of functionality wide specified
Complexity of navigation and structure high low

When deciding on a particular form of content marketing, it is worth analysing your potential before deciding. You can use the table below to do this:

Form Description Time [1-5] Idea [1-5] Ability to use [1-5] Average
Guide aims to educate consumers, dispel doubts and provide knowledge, while also supporting website positioning 0.00
Company blog is used to publish guides, news, updates and other useful content for users, supporting communication, loyalty building and SEO activities 0.00
Expert article reliable and specialised content created by experts and published on the company's website, blog or external services 0.00
Sponsored article is intended to promote a brand, product or service in a subtle way; often used as a source of links for SEO campaigns 0.00
Interview allows a brand to be presented in the form of a conversation with its representative; most often published in online trade magazines 0.00
Product description presents the benefits of buying a particular product and supports the positioning of the online shop 0.00
Category description allows for a better understanding of the online shop's offer and the selection of individual products, thus supporting the positioning process 0.00
Review presenting the strengths and weaknesses of products, services, their application, distinctive features compared to the competition 0.00
Ranking product and service comparisons published on the company blog or external services 0.00
Newsletter sending valuable content to the e-mail addresses of subscribers to the shop or company database 0.00
e-book / audiobook e-books or listening books which convey valuable information about the brand 0.00
Social media content allows direct communication with the audience and the building of long-term relationships 0.00
White Papers specialised studies on a specific problem or issue, often used in industrial and technological sectors 0.00
Case Studies descriptions of positive experiences of cooperation with clients, illustrating the effectiveness of the solutions offered 0.00
References testimonials and recommendations written by clients cooperating with the company, usually posted on the company's website 0.00
FAQ question-and-answer databases, which provide customers with knowledge and allow them to avoid many repetitive queries 0.00
Infographics the combination of text and graphics makes it possible to convey a lot of interesting content in an original way 0.00
Video videos posted on the company website, video blogs, YouTube videos on the brand and its products 0.00
Podcast includes interviews, tutorials and instructions made public in the form of streaming (to listen, watch) 0.00
Topical social media groups provides opportunities to reach audiences, establish communication-based relationships with them, promote products or materials 0.00
Own online forum discussion forums on industry or specific products 0.00
E-Learning provision of electronic training materials for customers, employees or business partners 0.00
Online games (gamification) use of games for business purposes, e.g. product promotion or education 0.00
Photo-sharing posting photographs (e.g. on Instagram), particularly attractive for fashion, beauty or interior design industries 0.00
Social bookmarking light, entertaining content (e.g., which aims to attract the audience's attention 0.00
Webinars a video presentation, interview or online mini-training course that aims to educate, inspire and develop 0.00
Rebus, quizzes, puzzles, tests lighter forms that catch the audience's attention, allow them to test their own knowledge and have fun at the same time 0.00
Research reports the results of surveys, research or studies that may be of interest to clients or the industry are developed and published 0.00
Microsites a separate page highlighting, for example, the history of the brand, its specific activities (involvement in certain projects) or promotions 0.00
Mobile application a simple mobile application made available to recipients of the corporate website, which may facilitate the use of services, promote products or offer additional functionalities 0.00

Collect the results about your company (this can be information gathered on the internet, but it is important that a specific question is asked:

“How likely are you to recommend the company to a friend?” on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means “most unlikely” and 10 means “most likely”). Place the values indicated by the following respondents in the table and they
will be automatically assigned groups.

An automatic NPS summary will appear in the final table.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

No. Respondent Value [1-10] Category
1 Respondent 1
2 Respondent 2
3 Respondent 3
4 Respondent 4
5 Respondent 5
6 Respondent 6
7 Respondent 7
8 Respondent 8
9 Respondent 9
10 Respondent 10
NPS Summary
% of Promotors 0%
% of Passives 0%
% of Critics 0%
Net Promoter Score 0%

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Building customer relationships in online business


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If you want to build a CRM strategy, you can use the following 7 steps.

No. Step Description Action
Step One Define your vision and outline your goals Make sure the goals of your CRM strategy align with the organization's overall business strategy. Use the SMART goals method to ensure goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive. Your goal:
- Measure (indicator):
- Achievability:
- Relevant:
- Time duration:
Step Two Identify Your Audience Understand who your customer is by finding out the characteristics that define your recipients to effectively reach them with your marketing content.
  • 1. Consult with your marketing, sales, field services, and customer service teams.
  • 2. Distribute appropriate targeted surveys through all contact points and record the results.
  • 3. Analyze customer profiles and talk to other customers to get detailed feedback.
Step Three Conduct Customer Acquisition Mapping Understand all possible initial touchpoints in the customer acquisition process. Capture data at every stage to provide insights into audience details and buyer profiles.
  • 1. Which teams are interacting with customers in this stage?
  • 2. How can these interactions be improved?
  • 3. What is the type of communication?
  • 4. Is there a better way to convey the message?
  • 5. What does your audience want at this stage?
  • 6. What problems might recipients face?
  • 7. How can you provide better service to your customers?
Step Four Organize CRM Components Analyze conclusions and identify areas for improvement. Ensure each CRM strategy component can solve specific customer problems. It takes into account the following elements:
  • 1. Customer service
  • 2. Human Resource Management (HR)
  • 3. Lead management
  • 4. Marketing
  • 5. Sales
  • 6. Analytics
  • 7. Pipeline management
  • 8. Workflow automation
  • 9. Business reporting
Step Five Get to know the market Compare your plan's effects to the competition and determine your market position. Questions to ask:
  • 1. How does your company fit into the market landscape?
  • 2. What are the unique elements of our sales offering?
  • 3. How do our competitors differentiate themselves from us?
  • 4. What trends can you currently observe in the industry?
  • 5. Are there any new sales opportunities we can try?
Step Six Consider adding technology Enrich your CRM strategy with innovative technologies to make team tasks easier. Use AI and automation to improve customer interactions and free up team resources. Determine technology for implementing strategy elements
Step Seven Invest in CRM Software Implement CRM software that evaluates current processes, meets organizational requirements, and drives the company's CRM strategy. 1. Specify a CRM system
2. Estimate usage costs
3. Identify system users

If you want to implement a CRM system, you need to take further steps, starting with planning.

You can use the following tool to describe the actions taken at each stage.


Determining the needs of your company Members of the analytical team, separated from the company's structures, should include representatives of all departments in the company. Later, selected employees will participate in talks with system suppliers and actively supervise the CRM implementation. The team's tasks include analysing three elements:
- the current business model of the company
- enterprise in terms of its preparation for CRM implementation
- the impact of implementing CRM practices on the company's main strategy and current business model
Specify technical resources:
Expectations of all potential users of the system (by examining them):
Define business processes and prioritize them:
Get information about available CRM systems and their manufacturers or suppliers:
Define the business goals of the implementation (e.g. reducing indirect sales costs, shortening order processing time, increasing turnover in a specific segment, etc.):
Create a vision diagram for maintaining relationships with customers:
• list of business processes, arranged by priority,
• list of hardware and software requirements,
• short list of requirements (introduction to defining the functionality of the system),
• list of requirements for staff.


Planning the budget, estimating the expected ROI (rate of return on investment) You should establish the financial framework within which you can operate when choosing a system, then estimate how the implementation will affect cash flow, the company's quotations, its brand, reputation, and what other financial implications the CRM implementation brings. The option of a failed deployment should also be considered. You need to answer the following questions:
Planning the budget, estimating the expected ROI (rate of return on investment)
What costs will the company incur due to such a failure?
Is there a risk of bankruptcy?
Do implementation costs constitute a significant part of the company's capital?
•final decission concerns CRM implementation

Such an objective analysis is extremely important and is worth spending time on before making the final decision to implement a CRM system.



Implementation/adaptation, tests, correction This is the longest (proper, fundamental) stage of implementation, in which the supplier prepares the system according to the prepared analysis. Then, it tests them internally in terms of ergonomics, technical and logical aspects, and in this form it passes the system on to the end customer for testing. This is also the time to implement corrections reported by customers. It is therefore worth working closely with the implementation team at the testing stage to avoid any misunderstandings and shortcomings. In this aim you can use the following table:
Implementation/adaptation, tests, correction
Internal test in terms of the aspects:
system ergonomics:
system technical scope and functionality:
system logical framework:
External testing:
customer feedback:
implementation of them
Final version:
• All elements are done

step 4

System launch and training After performing all tests, the system is ready for use. The final step is to provide client-side system administrators with instructions on how to manage the system. End users are instructed by the supplier on how to use the functionalities provided to them in practice.
System launch and training
System management and operation:
Instructions for system administrators on the client side:
Instructions for end users:
•Administrators and user use the system correctly

If you want to implement a CRM system, you can use the alternative steps in this
process. In this purpose use the following tables

No. Step Action Result
STEP 1 Identify your business needs Analyse of:
  • sales process
  • customer data management
  • customer satisfaction goals
Checklist: Identification of specific features your CRM system should have.
STEP 2 Choosing the type of CRM software Identification of the main application of the CRM system:
  • data analysis
  • improving team communication
  • non-standard need for integration with other systems
Checklist: Identification of specific purpose of your CRM system and sales decision
STEP 3 Development of a CRM strategy Development of a CRM implementation strategy:
  • project goal
  • CRM applications and features to be developed
  • resources needed to build a custom CRM
Checklist: Plan of CRM system development
STEP 4 Gathering the development team Establishing a team to develop CRM:
  • designers
  • programmers
  • testers
  • project managers
Checklist: CRM system development TEAM
STEP 5 Development and adaptation of the CRM platform Project milestones check:
  • system coding
  • integration of your own CRM system with other business tools
  • checking whether the CRM platform is adaptable and flexible
  • system cybersecurity analysis
Checklist: Achieving of CRM system development milestones
STEP 6 Implementation and training of the sales team Implementation:
  • launching the system in the company
  • user training
  • support during the transition period
Checklist: Users' ability to operate the system
STEP 7 Monitoring and optimization Monitoring and evaluation:
  • system performance monitoring
  • analysis of system data regarding trends in customer behavior
  • analysis of system data regarding customer satisfaction
  • collecting information about problems during system operation
Checklist: Summary report for a given period of system use

If you want to conduct preliminary audit of CRM system using, you can use the following tool. Assign a weight to each aspect so that the sum of the weights is 1.0. Give each aspect a rating, where 1 is the lowest rating and 5 is the highest.

Question Rating
• Do CRM system users actively use it? 0.00
• Are the purchased CRM functionalities fully used? 0.00
• Does the CRM system fulfill its functions? 0.00
• Has there been a change in the business strategy that requires modification of the CRM solution? 0.00
• Is there a need to optimize work efficiency in the CRM system? 0.00
Total weight should be 1. current:


Weighted Avg:


If the average value is between 4,1 and 5,0 – it means that the system fulfils its function.

Average between 3,1 and 4,0 – system or some processes needs a correction.

Average between 2,1 and 3,0 – the system must be subjected to detailed analysis.

If you want to decide which type of solution use in your company, use the
following table.

Cloud CRM System Evaluation Survey
1. It is necessary to ensure access to the system at any time from anywhere.
2. My colleagues use information from the system on an ongoing basis, so I need file synchronization.
3. I am interested in a tool that is easy to use and does not require expensive implementation.
4. I want to be provided with technical and service support for the system.
5. I am interested in a system that can be scaled depending on changing needs.

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Building customer relationships in online business


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Consider the following example of using a voicebot. Which elements support its choice or vice versa. Try to evaluate them.

Case Study 1. Voicebot – Scheduling appointments for a large healthcare provider

Challenges Rating
High cost for a very simple task 0.00
Long waiting times to be connected to a consultant 0.00
Hotline only open at certain times 0.00
Total weight should be 1. current:




Average Weight
0.00 Hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
0.00 Instant appointments without queuing (the bot can handle an unlimited number of calls simultaneously)
0.00 Increased customer satisfaction as a result of these changes


Total weight should be 1. current:



Consider the following example of using a voicebot. Which elements support its choice or vice versa. Try to evaluate them.

Case Study 2. Voicebot – customer satisfaction research for a major insurance company

Challenges Rating
High cost of interviewers 0.00
Limited number of surveys conducted 0.00
Extended duration of surveys 0.00
Total weight should be 1. current:




Average Weight
0.00 Unlimited number of surveys conducted per day
0.00 Shorter call times - less hassle for the client
0.00 Maintained levels of accuracy and responsiveness to interviewers


Total weight should be 1. current:



If you want to create a crisis management plan, use the steps below.

Remember, the most important thing is to make everything concrete. The best way is
to write them down. You can use the table below.

No. Step Action Result
Step One Select the members of the crisis management team Before you start planning for a crisis, select a team of leaders who will work together to produce this document. The team should include people who will carry out specific actions in the event of a crisis. Create it early so that everyone knows the details of your strategy.
Step Two Assess the risks Start by brainstorming what risks could threaten your business. As mentioned above, you can begin this session by discussing common risks in your industry. Use a threat register to identify and analyse the likelihood of a particular threat. A threat register will help you avoid delays and prepare for potential complications. It will also help you visualise the most serious risks and prepare an appropriate strategy.
Step Three Identify the impact on the business Once you have identified the risk with the highest probability of occurrence, work with members of the crisis management team to determine how it will impact your business. Each risk will have a different impact, so analyse them separately. The potential impact on the business could include customer churn, reputational damage, delayed sales, loss of revenue or fines.
Step Four Plan a strategy For each threat detected, determine what action your team should take to deal with it. Let's say you work in the software industry and your company becomes the victim of a cyber-attack. In this case, you may need to appoint people to secure the network, inform customers and assess the damage that has occurred.
Step Five Concretise the plan Once you have discussed the risks to your business and their impact on your business, and planned for action should they occur, it is time to put the plan into action. A crisis management plan is more than a written or verbal strategy. It should include key elements such as an activation protocol and who to contact in an emergency, which we describe in detail below. It will also need to work with key stakeholders so that everyone knows what needs to be done and when.
Step Six Review the plan and update it as necessary When the emergency management plan is complete, review the final version to ensure that nothing has been left out. Review the plan carefully and update it at least once a year, as potential risks may change over time.

Service Leader

Rzeszow Regional Development Agency

Justyna Franczyk

Project Expert

Małgorzata Kilian

Project Expert